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"One of the main benefits that I'm looking forward to as Vancouver General Hospital (VGH) goes live with CST Cerner is improved coordination of care," explains Dr. Stephen Van Gaal, Staff Physician, Neurosciences, Vancouver Acute & Associate Physician Lead, VCH-Vancouver CST. "By bringing all of our providers onto a single record we're able to share a common understanding of the patient. We're able to see what's happening to the patient in real time, what appointments are planned, what orders are planned, what the other providers are thinking about the patient."
This is one of several benefits of CST Cerner that Dr. Van Gaal reflects on in this short video. As VGH prepares for their targeted fall 2022 go-live, Dr. Van Gaal was keen to share some insight into working with the new system.
"Rather than relying on a third party to take our handwritten notes and transcribed them into the electronic system for us, we're going to be doing that ourselves at the point of care," he explains, referring to Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE). "The main advantage to this is first off, the order is entered immediately rather than introducing delays and second off, it's going to reduce the number of order errors that are made one."
CPOE will allow pharmacists, technicians, nurses and other clinicians to receive the order immediately, read the order clearly and receive orders from providers located anywhere, even off-site. This will help to increase patient safety by introducing checks and balances at the point of order entry, rather than relying on checks that come later.
Watch the full video to hear more benefits from Dr. Van Gaal, including the ability to draw on data for population health management and more.
"We need to move forward with a comprehensive and modern electronic health record." - Dr. Stephen Van Gaal